Do you know the significance of LED line lights for urban night lighting?

Do you know the significance of LED line lights for urban night lighting?

Do you know the significance of LED line lights for urban night lighting? The effect here is that the LED wall washing lamp hits the light on the wall, which is similar to the application method of the projection lamp, but the effect is more soft; Most of the LED line lamps are used to outline the building or make digital screen effects. Of course, they may also be installed on the wall corner to let the light find the wall, but the LED wall washing lamp is more flexible; Led wall washing lamps are mostly high-power products, while LED line lamps are mostly low-power. Because the LED wall washing lamp depends on the irradiation height, generally there is a certain distance from the wall, so the high-power LED wall washing lamp is more competent. And the LED line light does the contour, the small power can be.


The night scene outdoor lighting project of the building is very different from the general functional outdoor lighting project inside and outside the city. Moreover, due to the difference of each building's own function, cultural connotation, environment, building shape, external decoration materials, etc., the lighting color of urban lighting lamp manufacturers, the mode of municipal lighting engineering companies, the projection direction and the selection of outdoor lighting engineering equipment are also very different.


The line lamp manufacturer is a platform and carrier to display the image of the city. We should combine the historical development, science and technology, culture and other factors of the city, adopt the current domestic lighting technology and art culture, combine them, reflect the city culture and unique city information, create one city night scene outdoor lighting project after another, and finally promote and apply them among cities across the country.